Facial Massage Benefits at a Glance:
- Circulation. Face massage stimulates blood circulation leading to more
radiant skin.
- Toning & Lifting. It tightens skin tissues preventing flabbiness.
- Tension. It releases accumulated tension, even years of tension.
- Touch. The touch ( pressing lightly with your fingers) used in this massage is
proven to be very effective on the skin results.
The face has many small, sensitive muscles. (see image 1)
Before you start, cleanse your face . You’ll also need a massage oil made to be used on the face or moisturizer.
Step-by-step toning and lifting facial massage tutorial.
Sit down at a table or desk and place your elbows on the table.
Step 1: Breathe deeply and focus your mind on each pressure point when you massage them. Pressure point 1 is located just under your eye pupil . Press or squeeze lightly pressure point 1 ( see image 2) with small circular movements for 30 seconds . Press both pressure points 1 at the same time using your middle fingers.
Step 2: Pressure point 2 is located half an inch to the side of each nostril. Repeat again,
press lightly pressure point 2 with small circular movements for 30 seconds.
Image 2. Pressure Points, steps 1 and 2.
Step3: Pressure point 3 is located half an inch from the corners of the mouth ( see image 3).
Repeat again, press lightly pressure point 3 with small circular movements for 30 seconds.
Step4: Pressure point 4 is located right at the corners of the jaw.
Repeat again, press lightly pressure point 4 with small circular movements for 30 seconds.
Step 5: Pressure pont 5 is located under the end of the cheek bone , at the hairline.
Repeat the massage again.
Step 6: Pressure point 6 is located at end of your forehead , at the hairline.
Repeat the massage again.
Image 3. Pressure Points, steps 3, 4, 5 and 6
Now repeat the whole 6 step process 3 more times and you are done!