Saturday, September 7, 2013

best tips for beautiful pink or rose lips

Who wouldn’t desire to have soft, supple and pink lips. But given to the pollution and the harsh conditions around us and not to forget our hectic schedule we are left with little to no options to get take proper care of ourselves.
Today we shall discuss about few home made remedies that will help us attain that soft pink lips easily and quickly. So no more excuses, just grab these ingredients and get started now.
Few homemade lip packs:
1. Take 1 tsp. milk, 1tsp. milk cream and add few strand of saffron in it. Mix all the ingredients together and store it in the fridge. When cool apply it on your lips and clean it off with a cotton pad.
2. Take 1tbsp milk and add few red rose petals in it. Crush the petals in the milk till the milk gets pinkish color. Take out the petals and  store the milk in the fridge. When it cools down add 1tsp of almond powder in it and mix it into a thick paste. Apply it on your lips and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Remove it with wet cotton pads. Using this remedy will make your lips soft, shiny and will help you in maintain nice pink lips.
3. Immerse some rose petals in milk for some time. Then blend them into a fine thick an apply it on your lips. This is proven to give amazing results. You may even use glycerin as a substitute for milk.
4. Combine some drops of beetroot juice or pomegranate juice with a tsp of milk cream. This mixture has wonderful effects on the cracked lips and also helps in bringing back the pink color of your lips.
5. Honey is the best ingredient used to nourish all skin types. It can even be used to moisturize your lips. Just mix 1/2 tsp of honey with 1/2 tsp of lemon juice and apply it on the lips. Leave it for few minutes and wash it off with cold water.  You will notice that your pale and chapped lips has become soft and pinkish within fraction of minutes.
6. Apply tomato paste and milk cream for soft pink lips.
7. Here’s another Ayurvedic tips for lips-soak raisins in water overnight and eat it on an empty stomach.
Here are few Lips Exercise Tips for getting pink lips.
1. Massage your lips daily with a lip cream(with vitamin E in it) before going to the bed.
2. Gently massage your laugh line with index fingers in upward stroke movement.
3. Put index fingers on the corners of your lips and massage clock wise and anti-clock wise.
4. Put index finger on the corner of your lips and this time massage by moving them inwards.
5. Clean your lips with a wet cotton pad. Apply good quality lip balm on your lips and make sure that they give protection from sun as well.
Last but definitely not the least, drink lots of water. That is the most simple and inexpensive way to make your lip look soft, supple, shiny and pink.
Few more tips:
Apply a layer of oil and leave it on for several hours. Best remedy is to leave it overnight.
Mix coconut oil and almond oil in equal quantity. Apply a coat of this on the lips and leave on overnight. This has to be done daily for at least two weeks for best results.
Massage lips: Prepare a mixture of 1/2 tsp. Glycerin, 1/2 tsp Castor oil with 1/2 tsp Lemon juice. Apply and leave overnight.
Apply cream from curds with saffron on your lips.